Klungkung Temple

When you enter the temple, you are required to wear a sarong. Do not rent from the nearby shop as the sarongs are provided at the entrance.

The Klungkung temple is located in the east of Bali going towards Amed. We were told by our guide that this was where the king used to pray.  It is called Kerta Gosa, a floating pavillion.  The main building sits in the middle of a large pond with lots of lily pads, quite beauitiful sight. It was quite fascinating as all the ceilings have drawings of Balinese art.  The more you looked at the paintings closely, you realised that its very detailed.  There was a carved table and 6 matching chairs preserved and was in the centre of the the pavillion. 

 Nearby the temple is a museum depicting the history of the place. There are many lovely statues thoughout the garden and along the walls on the way to the museum.

Worth the visit, if you are interested in traditional Balinese architecture.

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